Doctor of Literature, post-doctor, visiting scholar of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, associate professor of the School of Literature of Shanghai University.
He is member of the Chinese Folklore Society, member of the Shanghai Folk Artists Association. His research interests are folk literature, ancient literature, and traditional Chinese culture.
He presides three key projects including national social sciences project, provincial and ministerial-level projects. He published more than 20 academic papers in the field, including nine indexed by Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI).
He is Associate Editor-in-Chief of international journal Advances in Culture and Arts (ACA), and editorial member of JOURNAL OF ROCK ART (JORA).
Research Projects
1. Collation and Research on the Early Filial Piety of Confucianism (20FZWB045)
(research ongoing): Post-funded project of the National Social Science Fun
2. The Evolution of Society Before Tang Dynasty and The Evolution of Ghost Images in Literature (15YJA751016) (completed): Humanities and Social Sciences Planning Project of the Ministry of Education
3. The Evolution of Images of Gods and People in The Literature of The Pre-Tang Dynasty (2013M541894) (completed): 54 Key projects funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation
4. Study of Ancient Chinese Mythology (2021): Shanghai University Key Course Construction Project
Research Papers
1. The Evolution of God Yu and Shun’s Escape Legend and Its Derivative Texts, Journal of Fudan University, No. 2, 2022; (CSSCI indexed)
2. An Interpretation by Ito Seiji of the Gods and Monsters folklores in The Classic of Mountains and Seas, Folklore Studies, No. 2, 2022; (CSSCI indexed)
3. The Writing of Gods and Ghosts in Ancient Literature and the Construction of Soundscapes – Centered on The Classic of Mountains and Seas, Journal of Tsinghua University, No. 5, 2021; Reprinted by the National People’s Congress on Research on Ancient and Modern Chinese Literature, December 2021; (CSSCI indexed)
4. Ito Seiji’s Research on the Gods and Monsters in the Book The Classic of Mountains and Seas under the Dual Paradigm, Chinese Studies, Autumn and Winter Volume, 2020; (CSSCI indexed)
5. The Reproductive Worship and Evolution of the Mythology of God Fu Hsi and Goddess Nuwa in Huaiyang Area, Journal of Henan Normal University, No. 2, 2020; Reprinted by the National People’s Congress on Research on Ancient and Modern Literature, No. 7, 2020; (CSSCI indexed)
6. Research on the Myth Industry Development of Taihao Mausoleum in Huaiyang Area, Journal of Yangtze University, No. 6, 2020;
7. On the Construction of Linguistic Image in Early Chinese Literature, Journal of Zhengzhou University, 2020-1; “Thesis Abstract” reprinted by Chinese Social Science Digest, 2020-7; (CSSCI indexed)
8. Mencius’s Writing on God Yu and Shun’s Filial Piety and The Theoretical Construction of The Integration of “Loyalty” and “Filial Piety, Journal of Renmin University of China, No. 6, 2018; Reprinted by Renmin University of China, “Research on Ancient and Modern Chinese Literature”, issue 6, 2019; (CSSCI indexed)
9. Zi Si’s Thought of Filial Piety and Its Cultural Implications – Taking Unearthed
Documents as Reference, Journal of Henan Normal University, 2018-1; (CSSCI
10. Confucianism and Early Confucianism Dissemination, Chinese Journal of Social
Sciences 2017-06-05;
11. Re-discovery of Confucius through the Implication of Confucianism “Zhi Li” in, Journal of Henan Normal University, No. 2, 2017; reprinted in “Research on Ancient Chinese and Modern Literature”, No. 10, 2017; (CSSCI indexed)